Cloistered Dominican NunsDominican nuns are cloistered women religious who dedicate their lives to prayer and live their lives in a monastery.
In the Dominican Order, nuns hold a special place. St. Dominic founded the nuns before he founded the friars. In 1216, when the Dominican Friars were officially established, the first community of nuns had already existed for two years. They were founded with the express intent of praying for the success of the Dominican Preaching. And their mission is a vital one. The Dominican Order needs women who will aid the preaching mission by a consecrated life of prayer. To learn more contact a Vocation Directress or use our embedded map listing the different monasteries and their locations. Sr. Emmanuella, O.P. from the Dominican Nuns in Springfield, IL wrote a reflection for Friarly on the nature and place of the Nuns in the Order of Preachers. Check it out here. |
Monasteries in our ProvincesMonastery of the Infant Jesus (Lufkin, TX) –
Sister Mary Rose, O.P. E-mail Contact: Monastery of St. Jude (Marbury, AL) – Vocation Directress E-mail Address: [email protected] Monastery of Mary the Queen (Springfield, IL) – Sr. Mary Emmanuella O.P. E-mail Address: [email protected] Phone Number: 856-278-6939 Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament (Farmington Hills, MI) – Sr. Clara Marie, O.P. E-mail Address: [email protected] Phone Number: (248) 626.8321 Monastery of Mount Thabor (Ortonville, MI) – Sr. Mary Joseph of the Holy Family, O.P. E-mail Address: [email protected] Phone Number: 248-627-4355 |